
What does it mean to be coachable?  

Being coachable means that you are not only open to listening to feedback, but are able to receive constructive criticism and take a look at your own performance in order to improve yourself. Asking for feedback takes courage, as some are afraid of the answer that may follow. According to a study done by Zenger and Folkman, 92% of respondents agreed with the assertion that, “Negative (redirecting) feedback, if delivered appropriately, is effective at improving performance.” (LinkedIn). This means that only 8 out of 100 people surveyed disagreed, and that the majority of employees want to be coached. 

Why should you be coachable? 

We live in a competitive sales world, and many people right now are open to new opportunities. If you are a professional who is looking to grow, learn, excel and succeed within your career, you should consider whether or not you are coachable. Being coachable allows you to hear first hand direct feedback on your performance, and then implement it in your day to day life. Being coachable makes you a better employee, coworker and leader and shows that you are an individual who values communication and your organization. 

How can you be coachable?  

Reflect: Asking for feedback can be uncomfortable as it may make some feel vulnerable. One way to assess if you are coachable is to ask yourself the question: “How do I respond when someone gives me feedback?” The answer will help you analyze yourself. 

No Ego: Being coachable means leaving your ego out of things. Criticism can be hard to take, but having the mindset that you are learning from those more experienced that want to see you succeed, will allow you to retain more of the constructive criticism, and then take action.  

Ask: One way you can be coachable is to proactively come up with questions to ask your employer. This shows that you are solutions orientated and are constantly looking for ways to improve your performance. An example of this could be, “How did I handle that client meeting from your perspective?” 

As technology advances and many are still working from home, it is important to be a coachable employee going into 2021. Just as an athlete receives constant coaching to improve his/her performance for game time, you as a professional want to make that sale. Communicating regularly with your managers and supervisors paired with goal oriented questions will help you become a valuable company asset and a growing team player.